Choose your own snack and insert it once a day into the large gap between the main meals. Your snack options:

  1. dark chocolate 80% (20 g) + grapefruit (300 g) + almonds, pre-soaked (30 g);
  2. natural yogurt without additives 1.5% (200 ml) + blueberries / blackberries / blueberries (250 g) + hazelnuts, previously soaked (30 g);
  3. hummus * (100 g) with vegetables (carrots 100 g + celery 50 g) + fennel 50 g);
    * homemade hummus: boil chickpeas (40 g), add 1 tsp. olive oil, herbs, tahini (10  g), mix in a blender. 
  4. apple (250 g) + peanut butter without additives (30 g).