Low CalorieCategoriesAll CategoriesAppetizersBreadBurgersCakesChickenDessertsDrinksMain CourcePastaPizzaPoriddgePorridgeSaladsSandwichesSaucesSoupsCuisinesAll CuisinesAmericanAsianBritishCaribbeanChineseEastern EuropeanFrenchGeorgianGreekIndianItalianMediterraneanMexicanSpanishThaiUkrainianCooking MethodsAll Cooking MethodsBakingBoilingFryingGrillingSimmeringTossingRestricted DietsAll DietsDiabeticHalalKosher Low CalorieLow FatLow LactoseLow SaltVeganVegetarianTagsAll TagsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedVEGETARIAN CUTLETS (120 G) WITH SALAD (200 G) AND WHOLE WHEAT BREAD (1PC)COTTAGE CHEESE (150 G) WITH PEACH AND SEEDS (10 G)Fat11gCarbs18gProtein30g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-903105', { series: [ 11, 18, 30 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); TONGUE (100 G) IN CHINESE WITH VEGETABLE SALAD (200 G) AND RICE (50 G READY-MADE)Fat16gCarbs34gProtein18g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-179244', { series: [ 16, 34, 18 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); BAKED CARROTS (150 G) WITH FLAX SEEDS (1 TSP), SESAME SEEDS (1 TSP) AND PARMESAN (20 G)EGGPLANTS (½ PCS) STUFFED WITH VEGETABLES (100 G) AND CORN PORRIDGE (100 G READY-MADE)VEGETABLE SALAD (250 G) WITH POACHED EGGS (2PCS)Fat18gCarbs31gProtein19g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-971711', { series: [ 18, 31, 19 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); VEGETARIAN OMELET (150 G) WITH VEGETABLE STEW (200 G)OMELET (1 EGG + 1 PROTEIN) WITH VEGETABLE STEW (200 G)BROCCOLI (100 G) IN PISTACHIO SAUCE (50 G) 1 2 3 4 5 … 63
COTTAGE CHEESE (150 G) WITH PEACH AND SEEDS (10 G)Fat11gCarbs18gProtein30g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-903105', { series: [ 11, 18, 30 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
TONGUE (100 G) IN CHINESE WITH VEGETABLE SALAD (200 G) AND RICE (50 G READY-MADE)Fat16gCarbs34gProtein18g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-179244', { series: [ 16, 34, 18 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
VEGETABLE SALAD (250 G) WITH POACHED EGGS (2PCS)Fat18gCarbs31gProtein19g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-971711', { series: [ 18, 31, 19 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });