AppetizersCategoriesAll Categories AppetizersBreadBurgersCakesChickenDessertsDrinksMain CourcePastaPizzaPoriddgePorridgeSaladsSandwichesSaucesSoupsCuisinesAll CuisinesAmericanAsianBritishCaribbeanChineseEastern EuropeanFrenchGeorgianGreekIndianItalianMediterraneanMexicanSpanishThaiUkrainianCooking MethodsAll Cooking MethodsBakingBoilingFryingGrillingSimmeringTossingRestricted DietsAll DietsDiabeticHalalKosherLow CalorieLow FatLow LactoseLow SaltVeganVegetarianTagsAll TagsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedWHOLE WHEAT TOASTS (2 PCS) WITH FISH (60 G) AND VEGETABLES (200 G)ROLLS (50 G) WITH HUMMUS (30 G) AND VEGETABLES (250 G)Fat19gCarbs44gProtein13g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-155724', { series: [ 19, 44, 13 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); ROLLS (2PCS) WITH CHICKEN (60 G) AND VEGETABLES (200 G)SANDWICH (40 G) WITH AVOCADO (1/2 PCS) AND VEGETABLES (200 G)OMELET WITH CHEESE AND VEGETABLES (300 G) AND CEREAL TOAST (30 G)OMELET WITH CORN AND VEGETABLES (250 G) AND GRAIN BREAD (2 PCS / 40 G)PITA BREAD (50 G) WITH ADYGHE CHEESE (40 G) AND VEGETABLES (250 G)POACHED EGGS (2 PCS) WITH TOAST (40 G) AND VEGETABLES (200 G)BRAN PANCAKES WITH VEGETABLES AND COTTAGE CHEESE (300G) 1 2 3 4 … 13
ROLLS (50 G) WITH HUMMUS (30 G) AND VEGETABLES (250 G)Fat19gCarbs44gProtein13g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-155724', { series: [ 19, 44, 13 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });