VeganCategoriesAll CategoriesAppetizersBreadBurgersCakesChickenDessertsDrinksMain CourcePastaPizzaPoriddgePorridgeSaladsSandwichesSaucesSoupsCuisinesAll CuisinesAmericanAsianBritishCaribbeanChineseEastern EuropeanFrenchGeorgianGreekIndianItalianMediterraneanMexicanSpanishThaiUkrainianCooking MethodsAll Cooking MethodsBakingBoilingFryingGrillingSimmeringTossingRestricted DietsAll DietsDiabeticHalalKosherLow CalorieLow FatLow LactoseLow Salt VeganVegetarianTagsAll TagsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedSTEAMED STUFFED VEGAN CABBAGEWHOLE WHEAT BREADGAZPACHOFat10gCarbs10gProtein2g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-469783', { series: [ 10, 10, 2 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); RICE WITH VEGETABLESBUCKWHEAT PORRIDGE WITH EGGPLANTOAT BANANA PANCAKESBAKED COUSCOUS STUFFED TOMATOESTOFU AND WALNUT CUTLETS (150 G) WITH VEGETABLES (200 G)Fat21gCarbs35gProtein24g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-552857', { series: [ 21, 35, 24 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); PEPPERS (100 G) STUFFED WITH TOFU (70 G) AND BULGUR (150 G) 1 … 17 18 19 20 21 … 26
GAZPACHOFat10gCarbs10gProtein2g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-469783', { series: [ 10, 10, 2 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
TOFU AND WALNUT CUTLETS (150 G) WITH VEGETABLES (200 G)Fat21gCarbs35gProtein24g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-552857', { series: [ 21, 35, 24 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });