Low FatCategoriesAll CategoriesAppetizersBreadBurgersCakesChickenDessertsDrinksMain CourcePastaPizzaPoriddgePorridgeSaladsSandwichesSaucesSoupsCuisinesAll CuisinesAmericanAsianBritishCaribbeanChineseEastern EuropeanFrenchGeorgianGreekIndianItalianMediterraneanMexicanSpanishThaiUkrainianCooking MethodsAll Cooking MethodsBakingBoilingFryingGrillingSimmeringTossingRestricted DietsAll DietsDiabeticHalalKosherLow Calorie Low FatLow LactoseLow SaltVeganVegetarianTagsAll TagsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedCRISPBREAD (2 PCS) WITH COTTAGE CHEESE AND HERBS (70 G)Fat6gCarbs50gProtein20g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-764296', { series: [ 6, 50, 20 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); CARROT SOUP WITH LENTILS (250 G) AND VEGETABLE STEW (100 G)Fat5gCarbs64gProtein22g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-371461', { series: [ 5, 64, 22 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); VEGETARIAN CABBAGE ROLLS (350 G)Fat14gCarbs26gProtein6g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-185756', { series: [ 14, 26, 6 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); PEPPER (1 PC), BAKED WITH MINCED MEAT (100 G) AND BUCKWHEAT (50 G READY-MADE)Fat4gCarbs30gProtein0g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-374498', { series: [ 4, 30, 0 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); TOASTS (2 PCS) WITH CHICKEN (50 G) AND VEGETABLES (150 G)Fat25gCarbs19gProtein19g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-992996', { series: [ 25, 19, 19 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); PASTA (100 G READY-MADE) WITH TOMATO AND BEAN SALAD (250 G)Fat13gCarbs0gProtein14g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-570589', { series: [ 13, 0, 14 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); OAT PANCAKES (200 G) WITH FRUIT (1 PC.) AND 1 TSP. HONEYFat6gCarbs51gProtein9g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-351103', { series: [ 6, 51, 9 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); ZUCCHINI CUTLETS (150 G) WITH VEGETABLES (200 G)Fat12gCarbs35gProtein11g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-906149', { series: [ 12, 35, 11 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); GRANOLA (100 G) WITH YOGURT (100 G) AND APPLEFat13gCarbs51gProtein9g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-872005', { series: [ 13, 51, 9 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); 1 … 60 61 62 63
CRISPBREAD (2 PCS) WITH COTTAGE CHEESE AND HERBS (70 G)Fat6gCarbs50gProtein20g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-764296', { series: [ 6, 50, 20 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
CARROT SOUP WITH LENTILS (250 G) AND VEGETABLE STEW (100 G)Fat5gCarbs64gProtein22g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-371461', { series: [ 5, 64, 22 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
VEGETARIAN CABBAGE ROLLS (350 G)Fat14gCarbs26gProtein6g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-185756', { series: [ 14, 26, 6 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
PEPPER (1 PC), BAKED WITH MINCED MEAT (100 G) AND BUCKWHEAT (50 G READY-MADE)Fat4gCarbs30gProtein0g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-374498', { series: [ 4, 30, 0 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
TOASTS (2 PCS) WITH CHICKEN (50 G) AND VEGETABLES (150 G)Fat25gCarbs19gProtein19g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-992996', { series: [ 25, 19, 19 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
PASTA (100 G READY-MADE) WITH TOMATO AND BEAN SALAD (250 G)Fat13gCarbs0gProtein14g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-570589', { series: [ 13, 0, 14 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
OAT PANCAKES (200 G) WITH FRUIT (1 PC.) AND 1 TSP. HONEYFat6gCarbs51gProtein9g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-351103', { series: [ 6, 51, 9 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
ZUCCHINI CUTLETS (150 G) WITH VEGETABLES (200 G)Fat12gCarbs35gProtein11g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-906149', { series: [ 12, 35, 11 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
GRANOLA (100 G) WITH YOGURT (100 G) AND APPLEFat13gCarbs51gProtein9g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-872005', { series: [ 13, 51, 9 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });