MediterraneanCategoriesAll CategoriesAppetizersBreadBurgersCakesChickenDessertsDrinksMain CourcePastaPizzaPoriddgePorridgeSaladsSandwichesSaucesSoupsCuisinesAll CuisinesAmericanAsianBritishCaribbeanChineseEastern EuropeanFrenchGeorgianGreekIndianItalian MediterraneanMexicanSpanishThaiUkrainianCooking MethodsAll Cooking MethodsBakingBoilingFryingGrillingSimmeringTossingRestricted DietsAll DietsDiabeticHalalKosherLow CalorieLow FatLow LactoseLow SaltVeganVegetarianTagsAll TagsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedBEAN PASTE (100 G) WITH VEGETABLE SALAD (200 G) AND WHOLE WHEAT BREAD (50 G)FISH IN AN ENVELOPE WITH VEGETABLES (250G) AND BUCKWHEAT (50G READY-MADE)Fat9gCarbs23gProtein28g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-454027', { series: [ 9, 23, 28 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); EGGPLANT BOATS WITH MUSHROOMS (200G) AND TURKEY (100G) + WHOLE WHEAT BREAD (30G)Fat16gCarbs29gProtein23g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-191989', { series: [ 16, 29, 23 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); CORN PORRIDGE (100 G READY-MADE) AND WARM BEAN SALAD (250 G)VEGETABLE CASSEROLE (250 G)CARROT SOUP WITH LENTILS (250 G) AND BUCKWHEAT (100 G READY-MADE)POTATO (100 G), BAKED IN A SLEEVE WITH VEGETABLES (200 G) AND GRILLED CHEESE (50 G)SALAD WITH TUNA (300G) AND BULGUR (50G READY)Fat6gCarbs31gProtein17g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-897788', { series: [ 6, 31, 17 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false }); CHICKPEAS IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH VEGETABLES (350 G) 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 26
FISH IN AN ENVELOPE WITH VEGETABLES (250G) AND BUCKWHEAT (50G READY-MADE)Fat9gCarbs23gProtein28g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-454027', { series: [ 9, 23, 28 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
EGGPLANT BOATS WITH MUSHROOMS (200G) AND TURKEY (100G) + WHOLE WHEAT BREAD (30G)Fat16gCarbs29gProtein23g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-191989', { series: [ 16, 29, 23 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });
SALAD WITH TUNA (300G) AND BULGUR (50G READY)Fat6gCarbs31gProtein17g new Chartist.Pie('#cooked-donut-897788', { series: [ 6, 31, 17 ] }, { donut: true, donutWidth: 10, donutSolid: true, startAngle: 0, showLabel: false });