QUINOA (150 G) WITH APPLE (200 G), DATES (20 G) AND NUTS (10 G)

Yields1 Serving
Cook Time25 minsTotal Time25 mins
 200 g An Apple
 60 g Quinoa
 10 g Nuts
 20 g Dates
 1 tsp Coconut flakes

Quinoa soak in cold water for 20 Minutes. Boil in clean water until tender, about 20 minutes after boiling water in the ratio of water 1: 2.


Soak the nuts in the evening. Add to the porridge with grated apple, coconut and dates.


 200 g An Apple
 60 g Quinoa
 10 g Nuts
 20 g Dates
 1 tsp Coconut flakes



Quinoa soak in cold water for 20 Minutes. Boil in clean water until tender, about 20 minutes after boiling water in the ratio of water 1: 2.


Soak the nuts in the evening. Add to the porridge with grated apple, coconut and dates.

QUINOA (150 G) WITH APPLE (200 G), DATES (20 G) AND NUTS (10 G)

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